During pandemics, providing safe solutions for employees at workplaces while maintaining their productivity is a top priority for businesses. HID Global is leading the way with its award-winning HID Location Services, which ensure social distancing and assist with contact tracing.
Award-winning application helps people return safely to work
During pandemics, providing safe solutions for employees at workplaces while maintaining their productivity is a top priority for businesses. HID Global is leading the way with its award-winning HID Location Services, which ensure social distancing and assist with contact tracing.
HID Location Services, winner of the Campus Safety BEST Award and Pandemic Tech Innovation Award, provide solutions to businesses to help them meet employee safety policies and regulations set by health agencies around the world.
Employees wear a Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) HID BEEKSTM Aware fob around the neck. If they are within 6 feet (2 meters) of one another over a specified period of time, the fob issues a visual and audio alert. A digital fence can also be established for high-traffic areas, such as cafeterias or breakrooms to minimize the number of people allowed access, and thus decrease risk of infection.
The wearable fob becomes a critical tool for infection management, also. Real-time Location (RTL) enables contact tracing and provides a historical timeline map of employee activity for quick and easy isolation procedures if necessary.
“Digitally managing social distancing is critical to encouraging the necessary behavioral shifts that will create a safer and more secure environment where employees feel comfortable returning to work,” says Mark Robinton, Vice President of IoT Services, Identification Technologies with HID Global.
HID Location Services does more than issue alerts and provide analytics. The applications can also be used to encourage healthy habits; for example, the wearable fobs coordinate with sensor-enabled contactless soap dispensers to support routine hand washing.
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