Government of India

Government of IndiaGovernment of India

HID provided an Indian health project with the solution of secure card issuance for a nation wide health project for families below poverty line. Illness remains one of the most prevalent causes of human deprivation in India, as majority of the workers are still without any social security coverage and insurance.


In 2007 the Ministry of Labour and Employment of India launched a new smart card based cashless health insurance scheme called Rashtriya Swasthaya Bima Yojna (RSBY), which aimed to cover the entire country’s population in 5 years. The estimated number of families are below poverty line are 60 million.


The System Integrator decided to partner with Lipi Data Systems for its professional services and the excellent performance of HID Global’s printer Fargo C30e.

As of today, more than 1,000 Fargo C30e printers have been deployed on the project. Smart cards started being deployed in the states of Haryana and Rajasthan in early 2008 and more than 4 million cards have been printed on Fargo printers.