Beijing Metro, China

Beijing Metro, ChinaBeijing Metro, China

An HID Global online access control system has enabled all stations on the Fangshan line of the Beijing Subway, China, to be centrally monitored, fulfilling the need for a comprehensive management approach to access control.


Line sections and stations are the core management areas in the subway’s operating system, most of which are operated remotely. To ensure the subway is running safely, it is necessary to prevent unauthorized access to all stations, electrical substations, parking lots, and major facilities at subway line sections.The new access control system also had to safeguard equipment and staff at key locations such as fixed plants, offices, equipment areas, the machine room, the automatic fare collection system management office and central station, communication equipment rooms, and public areas. 


With solutions provided by HID Global, the administrator at the central station can track and manage the door access in all subway stations, offering greater flexibility, and faster response to network failures.The HID Global VertX V1000 controller and partner software provide a centralized, web-based access control system that can monitor all stations and site equipment in real-time. Each station control center can also operate independently using an HID V100 reader interface when communication is lost with the host.

Project Fast Fact


Beijing, China

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Chinese Government 


Beijing Mass Transit Railway Operation Corporation Limited

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