Aperio Case Studies

There is a flexible Aperio solution for your business or building

Aperio is a wireless lock technology that enables you to extend your existing access system wirelessly, or to install powerful wireless access control from scratch. Our case studies — all free to download — help you understand the ways Aperio locks secure all types of door in all kinds of buildings and premises.

Wireless Aperio devices complement wired locking to secure a large French hospital

Centre Hospitalier Métropole Savoie (CHMS) is a large new hospital built to serve the Alpine communities of Haute Savoie. The hospital employs 4,850 people and has 1,850 patient beds. As at all health facilities, security for this new hospital presents a complex challenge. It requires multiple checkpoints and access rights tailored to individual staff and contractor needs.

To meet their security challenges, managers selected Aperio locking technology integrated online with an ARD access management system. Because Aperio devices are wireless, the hospital has introduced many more layers of security and secure doors without incurring excessive installation or operating costs, including for sensitive offices and drug stores where real-time control is needed.

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It's time to talk!

Connect with one of our experts who will help you to:

  • Increase your security level and improve workflows
  • Reduce capital expenditure and operational costs
  • Discover new return on investment opportunities