Safe and secure houses, flats and apartment blocks
With so many different places to live, there’s no one way to handle security. But whatever the building, we know it needs to feel like home. That means finding the right balance between safety, comfort and design. Internal doors can match your décor, while external entrances should give a great first impression. From mechanical and digital locks to padlocks, we’ve always got something to keep out unwelcome visitors.
Maybe you’re a landlord or a housing association. We’ll help you keep your residents safe, with accessible designs and doors that meet fire safety regulations and minimise the spread of germs. And we have a wide range of smart solutions like key cards for distinguishing between private rooms and public spaces.
All our options can be tailored. We know students in off-campus housing need very different security to people in nursing homes, for example. That’s why the technology we provide – from mobile keys to touch free doors – will always prioritize the need of the people who use it.